Ajo Arizona Area Code
What is Ajo (Arizona) area code?
Ajo in Arizona area code is 520.
This means that if you want to make a phone call to a Ajo in the state of Arizona telephone number you must use the 520 area code.
Is the Ajo (AZ) area code always the same?
Yes, phones located in Ajo, Arizona, will always have the same area codes, in this case would be 520. However, keep in mind that this does not only pertain to this region, as it can also be used in other regions of Arizona.
In conclusion, if you need to make a call to an area code phone in Ajo and you ask yourself: What is the Ajo (Arizona) area code?, the answer will be 520.
How to call from abroad to a phone located in Ajo, AZ?
To call abroad to Ajo in Arizona you must dial the country code for the United States (+1), the dialing code and the local telephone number you wish to call.
+1 520 [Phone number]
It should be remembered that all calls from one country to another country, for example calling from outside the USA to Ajo telephone numbers, will have a higher cost than calls made in the same country. The final cost of the call will be defined by the telephone company with which the call is made.