Area Codes in Nebraska
What are the area codes for Nebraska?
Nebraska phone numbers may have the following area codes:
The use of these area codes will vary depending on the region of Nebraska in which the phone number from which you are calling or making the phone call is located. Therefore, below are the different regions of the state of Nebraska so that you can look up which code is associated with each area.
Regions of the state of Nebraska
- Abie
- Adams
- Ainsworth
- Albion
- Alda
- Alexandria
- Allen
- Alliance
- Alma
- Alvo
- Ames
- Amherst
- Anoka
- Anselmo
- Ansley
- Arapahoe
- Arcadia
- Archer
- Arlington
- Arnold
- Arthur
- Ashland
- Ashton
- Aten
- Atkinson
- Atlanta
- Auburn
- Aurora
- Avoca
- Axtell
- Ayr
- Bancroft
- Barada
- Barneston
- Bartlett
- Bartley
- Bassett
- Battle Creek
- Bayard
- Bazile Mills
- Beatrice
- Beaver City
- Beaver Crossing
- Bee
- Beemer
- Belden
- Belgrade
- Bellevue
- Bellwood
- Belmar
- Belvidere
- Benedict
- Benkelman
- Bennet
- Bennington
- Berea
- Bertrand
- Berwyn
- Big Springs
- Bladen
- Blair
- Bloomfield
- Bloomington
- Blue Hill
- Blue Springs
- Bow Valley
- Boys Town
- Bradshaw
- Brady
- Brainard
- Brewster
- Bridgeport
- Bristow
- Broadwater
- Brock
- Broken Bow
- Brownlee
- Brownville
- Brule
- Bruning
- Bruno
- Brunswick
- Burchard
- Burr
- Burton
- Burwell
- Bushnell
- Butte
- Byron
- Cairo
- Callaway
- Cambridge
- Campbell
- Carleton
- Carroll
- Cedar Bluffs
- Cedar Creek
- Cedar Rapids
- Center
- Central City
- Ceresco
- Chadron
- Chalco
- Chambers
- Champion
- Chapman
- Chappell
- Chester
- Clarks
- Clarkson
- Clatonia
- Clay Center
- Clearwater
- Clinton
- Cody
- Coleridge
- Colon
- Columbus
- Comstock
- Concord
- Cook
- Cordova
- Cornlea
- Cortland
- Cotesfield
- Cowles
- Cozad
- Crab Orchard
- Craig
- Crawford
- Creighton
- Creston
- Crete
- Crofton
- Crookston
- Culbertson
- Curtis
- Cushing
- Dakota City
- Dalton
- Danbury
- Dannebrog
- Davenport
- Davey
- David City
- Dawson
- Daykin
- De Witt
- Decatur
- Denton
- Deshler
- Deweese
- Diller
- Dix
- Dixon
- Dodge
- Doniphan
- Dorchester
- Douglas
- Du Bois
- Dunbar
- Duncan
- Dunning
- Dwight
- Eagle
- Eddyville
- Edgar
- Edison
- Elba
- Elgin
- Elk Creek
- Elm Creek
- Elmwood
- Elsie
- Elwood
- Elyria
- Emerson
- Emmet
- Enders
- Endicott
- Ericson
- Eustis
- Ewing
- Exeter
- Fairbury
- Fairfield
- Fairmont
- Falls City
- Farnam
- Farwell
- Filley
- Firth
- Fontanelle
- Fordyce
- Fort Calhoun
- Foster
- Franklin
- Fremont
- Friend
- Fullerton
- Funk
- Gandy
- Garland
- Garrison
- Geneva
- Genoa
- Gering
- Gibbon
- Gilead
- Giltner
- Glenvil
- Glenwood
- Goehner
- Gordon
- Gothenburg
- Grafton
- Grand Island
- Grant
- Greeley Center
- Greenwood
- Gresham
- Gretna
- Gross
- Guide Rock
- Gurley
- Hadar
- Haigler
- Hallam
- Halsey
- Hamlet
- Hampton
- Harbine
- Hardy
- Harrisburg
- Harrison
- Hartington
- Harvard
- Hastings
- Hay Springs
- Hayes Center
- Hazard
- Heartwell
- Hebron
- Hemingford
- Henderson
- Hendley
- Henry
- Herman
- Hershey
- Hickman
- Hildreth
- Holbrook
- Holdrege
- Holmesville
- Holstein
- Homer
- Hooper
- Hordville
- Hoskins
- Howard City
- Howells
- Hubbard
- Hubbell
- Humboldt
- Humphrey
- Huntley
- Hyannis
- Imperial
- Inavale
- Indianola
- Inglewood
- Inland
- Inman
- Ithaca
- Jackson
- Jansen
- Johnson
- Johnstown
- Julian
- Juniata
- Kearney
- Kenesaw
- Kennard
- Keystone
- Kilgore
- Kimball
- King Lake
- La Platte
- La Vista
- Lakeview
- Lamar
- Laurel
- Lawrence
- Lebanon
- Leigh
- Lemoyne
- Leshara
- Lewellen
- Lewiston
- Lexington
- Liberty
- Lincoln
- Lindsay
- Lindy
- Linwood
- Lisco
- Litchfield
- Lodgepole
- Long Pine
- Loomis
- Lorenzo
- Loretto
- Lorton
- Louisville
- Loup City
- Lushton
- Lyman
- Lynch
- Lyons
- Macy
- Madison
- Madrid
- Magnet
- Malcolm
- Malmo
- Manley
- Marquette
- Martin
- Martinsburg
- Maskell
- Mason City
- Max
- Maxwell
- Maywood
- McCook
- McCool Junction
- McGrew
- McLean
- Mead
- Meadow Grove
- Melbeta
- Memphis
- Merna
- Merriman
- Milford
- Miller
- Milligan
- Minatare
- Minden
- Mitchell
- Monowi
- Monroe
- Moorefield
- Morrill
- Morse Bluff
- Mullen
- Murdock
- Murray
- Naper
- Naponee
- Nebraska City
- Nehawka
- Neligh
- Nelson
- Nemaha
- Nenzel
- Newcastle
- Newman Grove
- Newport
- Nickerson
- Niobrara
- Nora
- Norfolk
- Norman
- North Bend
- North Loup
- North Platte
- Oak
- Oakdale
- Oakland
- Obert
- Oconto
- Octavia
- Odell
- Odessa
- Offutt AFB
- Ogallala
- Ohiowa
- Omaha
- O'Neill
- Ong
- Orchard
- Ord
- Orleans
- Osceola
- Oshkosh
- Osmond
- Otoe
- Overland
- Overton
- Oxford
- Page
- Palisade
- Palmer
- Palmyra
- Panama
- Papillion
- Parks
- Pawnee City
- Paxton
- Pender
- Peru
- Petersburg
- Phillips
- Pickrell
- Pierce
- Pilger
- Plainview
- Platte Center
- Plattsmouth
- Pleasant Dale
- Pleasanton
- Plymouth
- Polk
- Ponca
- Poole
- Potter
- Prague
- Preston
- Primrose
- Prosser
- Raeville
- Ragan
- Ralston
- Randolph
- Ravenna
- Raymond
- Red Cloud
- Republican City
- Reynolds
- Richfield
- Richland
- Rising City
- Riverdale
- Riverton
- Roca
- Rockville
- Rogers
- Rosalie
- Roscoe
- Roseland
- Royal
- Rulo
- Rushville
- Ruskin
- Salem
- Santee
- Sarben
- Sargent
- Saronville
- Schuyler
- Scotia
- Scottsbluff
- Scribner
- Seneca
- Seward
- Shelby
- Shelton
- Shickley
- Sholes
- Shubert
- Sidney
- Silver Creek
- Smithfield
- Snyder
- South Bend
- South Sioux City
- Spalding
- Spencer
- Sprague
- Springfield
- Springview
- St. Edward
- St. Helena
- St. Libory
- St. Paul
- Stamford
- Stanton
- Staplehurst
- Stapleton
- Steele City
- Steinauer
- Stella
- Sterling
- Stockham
- Stockville
- Strang
- Stratton
- Stromsburg
- Stuart
- Sumner
- Sunol
- Superior
- Surprise
- Sutherland
- Sutton
- Swanton
- Syracuse
- Table Rock
- Talmage
- Tamora
- Tarnov
- Taylor
- Tecumseh
- Tekamah
- Terrytown
- Thayer
- Thedford
- Thurston
- Tilden
- Tobias
- Trenton
- Trumbull
- Tryon
- Uehling
- Ulysses
- Unadilla
- Union
- Upland
- Utica
- Valentine
- Valley
- Valparaiso
- Venango
- Venice
- Verdel
- Verdigre
- Verdon
- Virginia
- Waco
- Wahoo
- Wakefield
- Wallace
- Walthill
- Walton
- Wann
- Washington
- Waterbury
- Waterloo
- Wauneta
- Wausa
- Waverly
- Wayne
- Weeping Water
- Wellfleet
- West Point
- Western
- Westerville
- Weston
- White Clay
- Whitney
- Wilber
- Wilcox
- Willow Island
- Wilsonville
- Winnebago
- Winnetoon
- Winside
- Winslow
- Wisner
- Wolbach
- Wood Lake
- Wood River
- Woodland Hills
- Woodland Park
- Wymore
- Wynot
- Yankee Hill
- York
- Yutan