Area Codes in South Dakota
What are the area codes for South Dakota?
South Dakota phone numbers may have the following area codes:
The use of these area codes will vary depending on the region of South Dakota in which the phone number from which you are calling or making the phone call is located. Therefore, below are the different regions of the state of South Dakota so that you can look up which code is associated with each area.
Regions of the state of South Dakota
- Aberdeen
- Agar
- Agency Village
- Akaska
- Albee
- Alcester
- Alexandria
- Allen
- Alpena
- Altamont
- Anderson
- Andover
- Antelope
- Arlington
- Armour
- Artas
- Artesian
- Ashland Heights
- Ashton
- Astoria
- Aurora
- Aurora Center
- Avon
- Badger
- Baltic
- Bancroft
- Batesland
- Bath
- Bath Corner
- Belle Fourche
- Belvidere
- Beresford
- Big Stone City
- Bijou Hills
- Bison
- Blackhawk
- Blucksberg Mountain
- Blunt
- Bonesteel
- Bowdle
- Box Elder
- Bradley
- Brandon
- Brandt
- Brant Lake
- Brentford
- Bridgewater
- Bristol
- Britton
- Broadland
- Brookings
- Bruce
- Bryant
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Gap
- Bullhead
- Burke
- Bushnell
- Butler
- Camp Crook
- Canistota
- Canova
- Canton
- Carthage
- Castlewood
- Cavour
- Centerville
- Central City
- Chamberlain
- Chancellor
- Chelsea
- Chester
- Claire City
- Claremont
- Clark
- Clear Lake
- Colman
- Colome
- Colonial Pine Hills
- Colton
- Columbia
- Conde
- Corn Creek
- Corona
- Corsica
- Cottonwood
- Cow Creek
- Cresbard
- Crocker
- Crooks
- Custer
- Dakota Dunes
- Dallas
- Dante
- Davis
- De Smet
- Deadwood
- Dell Rapids
- Delmont
- Dimock
- Doland
- Dolton
- Draper
- Dupree
- Eagle Butte
- Eden
- Edgemont
- Egan
- Elk Point
- Elkton
- Emery
- Erwin
- Estelline
- Ethan
- Eureka
- Fairburn
- Fairfax
- Fairview
- Faith
- Farmer
- Faulkton
- Fedora
- Ferney
- Flandreau
- Florence
- Forestburg
- Fort Pierre
- Fort Thompson
- Frankfort
- Frederick
- Freeman
- Fruitdale
- Fulton
- Gann Valley
- Garden City
- Garretson
- Gary
- Gayville
- Geddes
- Gettysburg
- Glenham
- Goodwill
- Goodwin
- Green Grass
- Green Valley
- Gregory
- Grenville
- Groton
- Hamill
- Harrisburg
- Harrison
- Harrold
- Hartford
- Hayti
- Hazel
- Hecla
- Henry
- Hermosa
- Herreid
- Herrick
- Hetland
- Highmore
- Hill City
- Hillsview
- Hitchcock
- Hosmer
- Hot Springs
- Hoven
- Howard
- Hudson
- Humboldt
- Hurley
- Huron
- Interior
- Ipswich
- Irene
- Iroquois
- Isabel
- Java
- Jefferson
- Johnson Siding
- Kadoka
- Kaylor
- Kennebec
- Keystone
- Kidder
- Kimball
- Kranzburg
- Kyle
- La Bolt
- La Plant
- Lake Andes
- Lake City
- Lake Madison
- Lake Norden
- Lake Poinsett
- Lake Preston
- Lane
- Langford
- Lead
- Lebanon
- Lemmon
- Lennox
- Leola
- Lesterville
- Letcher
- Lily
- Little Eagle
- Long Hollow
- Long Lake
- Loomis
- Lower Brule
- Lowry
- Madison
- Manderson-White Horse Creek
- Mansfield
- Marion
- Martin
- Marty
- Marvin
- McIntosh
- McLaughlin
- Meadow View Addition
- Mellette
- Menno
- Midland
- Milbank
- Miller
- Milltown
- Mission
- Mission Hill
- Mitchell
- Mobridge
- Monroe
- Montrose
- Morningside
- Morristown
- Mound City
- Mount Vernon
- Murdo
- Naples
- New Effington
- New Holland
- New Underwood
- New Witten
- Newell
- Nisland
- Norris
- North Eagle Butte
- North Sioux City
- North Spearfish
- Northville
- Nunda
- Oacoma
- Oelrichs
- Oglala
- Okaton
- Okreek
- Ola
- Oldham
- Olivet
- Onaka
- Onida
- Orient
- Ortley
- Parker
- Parkston
- Parmelee
- Peever
- Philip
- Pickstown
- Piedmont
- Pierpont
- Pierre
- Pine Lakes Addition
- Pine Ridge
- Plankinton
- Platte
- Pollock
- Porcupine
- Prairie City
- Presho
- Pringle
- Pukwana
- Quinn
- Ramona
- Rapid City
- Rapid Valley
- Ravinia
- Raymond
- Redfield
- Ree Heights
- Reliance
- Renner Corner
- Revillo
- Richland
- Rockham
- Roscoe
- Rosebud
- Rosholt
- Roslyn
- Roswell
- Running Water
- Salem
- Scotland
- Selby
- Seneca
- Sherman
- Shindler
- Sinai
- Sioux Falls
- Sisseton
- Soldier Creek
- South Shore
- Spearfish
- Spencer
- Spring Creek
- Springfield
- St. Charles
- St. Francis
- St. Lawrence
- St. Onge
- Stickney
- Stockholm
- Storla
- Strandburg
- Stratford
- Sturgis
- Summerset
- Summit
- Tabor
- Tea
- Timber Lake
- Tolstoy
- Toronto
- Trent
- Tripp
- Tulare
- Turton
- Twin Brooks
- Two Strike
- Tyndall
- Utica
- Vale
- Valley Springs
- Veblen
- Verdon
- Vermillion
- Viborg
- Vienna
- Vilas
- Virgil
- Vivian
- Volga
- Volin
- Wagner
- Wakonda
- Wall
- Wallace
- Wanblee
- Ward
- Warner
- Wasta
- Watertown
- Waubay
- Waverly
- Webster
- Wentworth
- Wessington
- Wessington Springs
- Westport
- Wetonka
- White
- White Horse
- White Lake
- White River
- White Rock
- Whitehorse
- Whitewood
- Willow Lake
- Wilmot
- Winfred
- Winner
- Wolsey
- Wood
- Woonsocket
- Worthing
- Wounded Knee
- Yale
- Yankton