Area Codes in Arkansas
What are the area codes for Arkansas?
Arkansas phone numbers may have the following area codes:
The use of these area codes will vary depending on the region of Arkansas in which the phone number from which you are calling or making the phone call is located. Therefore, below are the different regions of the state of Arkansas so that you can look up which code is associated with each area.
Regions of the state of Arkansas
- Adona
- Alexander
- Alicia
- Allport
- Alma
- Almyra
- Alpena
- Altheimer
- Altus
- Amagon
- Amity
- Anthonyville
- Antoine
- Arkadelphia
- Arkansas City
- Ash Flat
- Ashdown
- Atkins
- Aubrey
- Augusta
- Austin
- Avilla
- Avoca
- Bald Knob
- Banks
- Barling
- Bassett
- Batesville
- Bauxite
- Bay
- Bearden
- Beaver
- Beebe
- Beedeville
- Bella Vista
- Bellefonte
- Belleville
- Ben Lomond
- Benton
- Bentonville
- Bergman
- Berryville
- Bethel Heights
- Big Flat
- Bigelow
- Biggers
- Birdsong
- Black Oak
- Black Rock
- Black Springs
- Blevins
- Blue Eye
- Blue Mountain
- Bluff City
- Blytheville
- Bodcaw
- Bonanza
- Bono
- Booneville
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Branch
- Briarcliff
- Brinkley
- Brookland
- Bryant
- Buckner
- Bull Shoals
- Burdette
- Cabot
- Caddo Valley
- Caldwell
- Cale
- Calico Rock
- Calion
- Camden
- Cammack Village
- Campbell Station
- Caraway
- Carlisle
- Carthage
- Casa
- Cash
- Caulksville
- Cave City
- Cave Springs
- Cedarville
- Center Ridge
- Centerton
- Central City
- Charleston
- Cherokee City
- Cherokee Village
- Cherry Valley
- Chester
- Chidester
- Clarendon
- Clarkedale
- Clarksville
- Clinton
- Coal Hill
- College City
- College Station
- Colt
- Concord
- Conway
- Corinth
- Corning
- Cotter
- Cotton Plant
- Cove
- Coy
- Crawfordsville
- Crossett
- Cushman
- Daisy
- Damascus
- Danville
- Dardanelle
- Datto
- De Queen
- De Valls Bluff
- Decatur
- Delaplaine
- Delight
- Dell
- Dennard
- Denning
- Dermott
- Des Arc
- DeWitt
- Diamond City
- Diaz
- Dierks
- Donaldson
- Dover
- Dumas
- Dyer
- Dyess
- Earle
- East Camden
- East End
- Edmondson
- Egypt
- El Dorado
- Elaine
- Elkins
- Elm Springs
- Emerson
- Emmet
- England
- Enola
- Etowah
- Eudora
- Eureka Springs
- Evening Shade
- Everton
- Fairfield Bay
- Fargo
- Farmington
- Fayetteville
- Felsenthal
- Fifty-Six
- Fisher
- Flippin
- Fordyce
- Foreman
- Forrest City
- Fort Smith
- Fouke
- Fountain Hill
- Fountain Lake
- Fourche
- Franklin
- Fredonia (Biscoe)
- Friendship
- Fulton
- Garfield
- Garland
- Garner
- Gassville
- Gateway
- Gentry
- Georgetown
- Gibson
- Gilbert
- Gillett
- Gillham
- Gilmore
- Glenwood
- Goshen
- Gosnell
- Gould
- Grady
- Grannis
- Gravette
- Green Forest
- Greenbrier
- Greenland
- Greenway
- Greenwood
- Greers Ferry
- Griffithville
- Grubbs
- Guion
- Gum Springs
- Gurdon
- Guy
- Hackett
- Hagarville
- Hamburg
- Hampton
- Hardy
- Harrell
- Harrisburg
- Harrison
- Hartford
- Hartman
- Haskell
- Hatfield
- Havana
- Haynes
- Hazen
- Heber Springs
- Hector
- Helena-West Helena
- Hensley
- Hermitage
- Hickory Ridge
- Higden
- Higginson
- Highfill
- Highland
- Hindsville
- Hiwasse
- Holiday Island
- Holland
- Holly Grove
- Hope
- Horatio
- Horseshoe Bend
- Horseshoe Lake
- Hot Springs
- Hot Springs Village
- Houston
- Hoxie
- Hughes
- Humnoke
- Humphrey
- Hunter
- Huntington
- Huntsville
- Huttig
- Imboden
- Jacksonport
- Jacksonville
- Jasper
- Jennette
- Jericho
- Jerome
- Johnson
- Joiner
- Jonesboro
- Judsonia
- Junction City
- Keiser
- Kensett
- Keo
- Kibler
- Kingsland
- Kirby
- Knobel
- Knoxville
- Lafe
- LaGrange
- Lake City
- Lake Hamilton
- Lake View
- Lake Village
- Lakeview
- Lamar
- Landmark
- Lavaca
- Leachville
- Lead Hill
- Leola
- Lepanto
- Leslie
- Letona
- Lewisville
- Lexa
- Lincoln
- Little Flock
- Little Rock
- Lockesburg
- London
- Lonoke
- Lonsdale
- Lost Bridge Village
- Louann
- Lowell
- Luxora
- Lynn
- Madison
- Magazine
- Magness
- Magnet Cove
- Magnolia
- Malvern
- Mammoth Spring
- Manila
- Mansfield
- Marianna
- Marie
- Marion
- Marked Tree
- Marmaduke
- Marshall
- Marvell
- Maumelle
- Mayflower
- Maynard
- Maysville
- McAlmont
- McCaskill
- McCrory
- McDougal
- McGehee
- McNab
- McNeil
- McRae
- Melbourne
- Mena
- Menifee
- Midland
- Midway
- Mineral Springs
- Minturn
- Mitchellville
- Monette
- Monticello
- Montrose
- Moorefield
- Moro
- Morrilton
- Morrison Bluff
- Mount Ida
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Vernon
- Mountain Home
- Mountain Pine
- Mountain View
- Mountainburg
- Mulberry
- Murfreesboro
- Nashville
- Natural Steps
- New Blaine
- New Edinburg
- Newark
- Newport
- Nimmons
- Norfork
- Norman
- Norphlet
- North Crossett
- North Little Rock
- Oak Grove
- Oak Grove Heights
- Oakhaven
- Oden
- Ogden
- Oil Trough
- O'Kean
- Okolona
- Ola
- Omaha
- Oppelo
- Osceola
- Oxford
- Ozan
- Ozark
- Palestine
- Pangburn
- Paragould
- Paris
- Parkdale
- Parkin
- Patmos
- Patterson
- Pea Ridge
- Peach Orchard
- Perla
- Perry
- Perrytown
- Perryville
- Piggott
- Pindall
- Pine Bluff
- Pineville
- Piney
- Plainview
- Pleasant Plains
- Plumerville
- Pocahontas
- Pollard
- Portia
- Portland
- Pottsville
- Powhatan
- Poyen
- Prairie Creek
- Prairie Grove
- Prattsville
- Prescott
- Pyatt
- Quitman
- Ratcliff
- Ravenden
- Ravenden Springs
- Reader
- Rector
- Redfield
- Reed
- Reyno
- Rison
- Rockport
- Rockwell
- Roe
- Rogers
- Roland
- Rondo
- Rose Bud
- Rosston
- Rudy
- Russell
- Russellville
- Rye
- Salem
- Salesville
- Scott
- Scranton
- Searcy
- Sedgwick
- Shannon Hills
- Sheridan
- Sherrill
- Sherwood
- Shirley
- Sidney
- Siloam Springs
- Smackover
- Smithville
- South Lead Hill
- Sparkman
- Springdale
- Springtown
- St. Charles
- St. Francis
- St. Joe
- St. Paul
- Stamps
- Star City
- Staves
- Stephens
- Strawberry
- Strong
- Stuttgart
- Subiaco
- Success
- Sulphur Rock
- Sulphur Springs
- Summit
- Sunset
- Sweet Home
- Swifton
- Taylor
- Texarkana
- Thornton
- Tillar
- Tinsman
- Tollette
- Tontitown
- Traskwood
- Trumann
- Tuckerman
- Tull
- Tumbling Shoals
- Tupelo
- Turrell
- Twin Groves
- Tyronza
- Ulm
- Valley Springs
- Van Buren
- Vandervoort
- Victoria
- Vilonia
- Viola
- Wabbaseka
- Waldenburg
- Waldo
- Waldron
- Walnut Ridge
- Ward
- Warren
- Washington
- Watson
- Weiner
- Weldon
- West Crossett
- West Fork
- West Memphis
- West Point
- Western Grove
- Wheatley
- Whelen Springs
- White Hall
- Wickes
- Widener
- Wiederkehr Village
- Williford
- Willisville
- Wilmar
- Wilmot
- Wilson
- Wilton
- Winchester
- Winslow
- Winthrop
- Woodlawn
- Woodson
- Wooster
- Wrightsville
- Wynne
- Yarborough Landing
- Yellville
- Zinc