Canada Area Codes

What are the area codes of the Canada regions?

Below is a complete list of the different Canada area codes.

It may happen that in a state or region of the Canada there are several different area codes, this means that depending on the location you are calling from, you will use one or the other.

StateArea Code
Alberta368, 403, 587, 780 and 825
British Columbia236, 250, 604, 672 and 778
Manitoba204, 431 and 584
New Brunswick506 and 709
Northwest Territories902
Nova Scotia782
Ontario226, 249, 289, 343, 365, 416, 437, 519, 548, 613, 647, 683, 705, 742, 753, 807 and 905
Prince Edward Island782 and 902
Quebec263, 354, 367, 418, 438, 450, 468, 514, 579, 581, 819 and 873
Saskatchewan306, 474 and 639

Canada Area Codes

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