Strömsund Area Code (Sweden)

What is the area code for Strömsund (Sweden)?

The Strömsund (Sweden) area code is +46 670

That is, in order to call the Strömsund region in Sweden you must dial the area code +46 670, where +46 is the international prefix of the country and 670 is the area code of Strömsund.

Is the Strömsund area code always the same?

Yes, any phone number in this region will use the local area code 670. That is, to call Strömsund from anywhere in Sweden, you must dial this prefix before the phone number.

670 [Phone number]

How to call from abroad to a phone located in Strömsund (Sweden)?

To call a telephone from abroad to the Strömsund (Sweden), you must dial the international prefix for (+46), the Strömsund area code (670) and the telephone number (7 to 13 digits) you want to call.

+46 670  [Phone number]

It is important to remember that all calls from a foreign country to another country, for example Sweden, will have a higher cost than calls made in the same country. The final cost of the call will be defined by the telephone company with which the call is made.

Strömsund (Sweden) Area Code

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