Area Codes in Delaware
What are the area codes for Delaware?
Delaware phone numbers may have the following area codes:
The use of these area codes will vary depending on the region of Delaware in which the phone number from which you are calling or making the phone call is located. Therefore, below are the different regions of the state of Delaware so that you can look up which code is associated with each area.
Regions of the state of Delaware
- Ardencroft
- Arden
- Ardentown
- Bear
- Bellefonte
- Bethany Beach
- Bethel
- Blades
- Bowers
- Bridgeville
- Brookside
- Camden
- Cheswold
- Claymont
- Clayton
- Dagsboro
- Delaware City
- Delmar
- Dewey Beach
- Dover Base Housing
- Dover
- Edgemoor
- Ellendale
- Elsmere
- Farmington
- Felton
- Fenwick Island
- Frankford
- Frederica
- Georgetown
- Glasgow
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Harrington
- Hartly
- Henlopen Acres
- Highland Acres
- Hockessin
- Houston
- Kent Acres
- Kenton
- Laurel
- Leipsic
- Lewes
- Little Creek
- Long Neck
- Magnolia
- Middletown
- Milford
- Millsboro
- Millville
- Milton
- Newark
- New Castle
- Newport
- North Star
- Ocean View
- Odessa
- Pike Creek
- Pike Creek Valley
- Rehoboth Beach
- Rising Sun-Lebanon
- Riverview
- Rodney Village
- Seaford
- Selbyville
- Slaughter Beach
- Smyrna
- South Bethany
- Townsend
- Viola
- Wilmington
- Wilmington Manor
- Woodside
- Woodside East
- Wyoming