What area code is 307 in Wyoming?
Wyoming regions with area code 307
Currently the area code 307 in the state of Wyoming is used by 201 locations:
- Afton
- Albany
- Albin
- Alcova
- Alpine Northeast
- Alpine Northwest
- Alpine
- Alta
- Antelope Hills
- Antelope Valley-Crestview
- Arapahoe
- Arlington
- Arrowhead Springs
- Arvada
- Atlantic City
- Auburn
- Baggs
- Bairoil
- Bar Nunn
- Basin
- Bear River
- Bedford
- Bessemer Bend
- Beulah
- Big Horn
- Big Piney
- Bondurant
- Boulder Flats
- Boulder
- Brookhurst
- Buffalo
- Burlington
- Burns
- Byron
- Carpenter
- Carter
- Casper Mountain
- Casper
- Centennial
- Cheyenne
- Chugcreek
- Chugwater
- Clearmont
- Clearview Acres
- Cody
- Cokeville
- Cora
- Cowley
- Crowheart
- Daniel
- Dayton
- Deaver
- Diamondville
- Dixon
- Douglas
- Dubois
- East Thermopolis
- Eden
- Edgerton
- Elk Mountain
- Encampment
- Esterbrook
- Ethete
- Etna
- Evanston
- Evansville
- Fairview
- Farson
- Fontenelle
- Fort Bridger
- Fort Laramie
- Fort Washakie
- Fox Farm-College
- Fox Park
- Frannie
- Freedom
- Garland
- Gillette
- Glendo
- Glenrock
- Granger
- Green River
- Greybull
- Grover
- Guernsey
- Hanna
- Hartrandt
- Hartville
- Hawk Springs
- Hill View Heights
- Hillsdale
- Hoback
- Homa Hills
- Hudson
- Hulett
- Huntley
- Hyattville
- Jackson
- James Town
- Jeffrey City
- Johnstown
- Kaycee
- Kelly
- Kemmerer
- Kirby
- La Barge
- La Grange
- Lakeview North
- Lance Creek
- Lander
- Laramie
- Lingle
- Little America
- Lonetree
- Lost Springs
- Lovell
- Lucerne
- Lusk
- Lyman
- Mammoth
- Manderson
- Manville
- Marbleton
- McKinnon
- Meadow Acres
- Medicine Bow
- Meeteetse
- Midwest
- Mills
- Moorcroft
- Moose Wilson Road
- Mountain View
- Newcastle
- Nordic
- North Rock Springs
- Oakley
- Opal
- Orin
- Osage
- Osmond
- Owl Creek
- Parkman
- Pavillion
- Pine Bluffs
- Pine Haven
- Pinedale
- Powder River
- Powell
- Purple Sage
- Rafter J Ranch
- Ralston
- Ranchester
- Ranchettes
- Rawlins
- Red Butte
- Reliance
- Riverside
- Riverton
- Robertson
- Rock River
- Rock Springs
- Rolling Hills
- Ryan Park
- Saratoga
- Shell
- Sheridan
- Shoshoni
- Sinclair
- Slater
- Sleepy Hollow
- Smoot
- South Greeley
- South Park
- Star Valley Ranch
- Story
- Sundance
- Superior
- Taylor
- Ten Sleep
- Teton Village
- Thayne
- Thermopolis
- Torrington
- Turnerville
- Upton
- Urie
- Van Tassell
- Veteran
- Vista West
- Wamsutter
- Warren AFB
- Washam
- Westview Circle
- Wheatland
- Whiting
- Wilson
- Woods Landing-Jelm
- Worland
- Wright
- Y-O Ranch
- Yoder
Is the 307 prefix always used in these locations?
These Wyoming locations always use this prefix, however, it may happen that some locations have multiple area codes.
As a general rule, smartphones automatically indicate the location when they receive a call. For example, if you receive a call with area code 307, the phone will indicate that it is a call coming from the state of Wyoming.
How do I call from abroad to a phone in a location with the 307 area code?
To call a phone to one of the locations listed above, you must dial the USA country code (+1), the dialing code 307, and the local phone number you wish to call:
+1 307 [Telephone number]
It should be remembered that making calls from abroad to a phone with a Wyoming area code will cost more than making calls within the same country. The final cost of the international call will be defined by the telephone company with which the call is made.